We gathered in the strategically located prayer room overlooking the State House with Annette Tuttle, HAPN leader and Greg Winslow, founders of If My People (New
England/International). As Annette shared about the Governor and the stance of the contention for life, a vision was given. A child would be instrumental to touch his heart.
"... And a little child shall lead them." Isaiah 11:6

We prayed and decreed much in that amazing gathering spot, then headed across the street to the Capitol. We first noticed the children in the House Chambers. Overlooking them as they listened to the tour guide, we heard them asking pointed questions. As one group of children left the chambers, another group of children arrived. As we left and moved to another room, we passed a group, and then met up with a different group.. It seemed a confirmation that the children would be instrumental. We took communion and prayed for this next generation of leaders.
Life is precious! The call and purpose on each of those precious children in the State House that day is strongly upon the heart of God. For them to know Him and fulfill destiny is truly His desire. Our prayers joined with His heart.
"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Mt. 19:14

A word came forth that New Hampshire is not a step child. The state is coming forth into it's rightful position and throwing off the grave clothes, the clothes of an illegitimate child. Annette and Greg both confirmed.
There was such a good feeling in New Hampshire.
New Hampshire and it's children are taking their place !!!