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Ken Walker

I was stunned by such a Blessing!

Given by Robert Stagmer an elder statesman in the prophetic and apostolic stream of the Body of Christ in Maryland.

We had already had such a tremendous day with Dr. Bob and his team. I posted before about the love we felt from everyone on his team. But to end the day with such a Blessing was like sitting at a meal and being stuffed so full that you can't take any more food. But then, the best wine or best dessert was saved for the very last. Wow, I want to so naturally be such a blessing to people like Dr. Bob and his wife Annette that when someone can't seem to handle anymore, I bring out the best for last. Jesus did this after three years with his disciples. He washed their feet.

We have gone from a place of peace to the next and the next from Plymouth with Jerry and Beth to Boston with Michelle, Concord with Annette, Augusta with Robin, Pennsylvania with Abby, Maryland of course with Dr. Bob and Annette, Lori and John in New Jersey, Audrey in Connecticut, Ron and Barbara Brackett, and Sue in Vermont. This peace includes family members along the way - Albert and Becky, Nancy and Tom, and Ellie, Mom Carlson, and Wayne and Michelle.... (continued below picture) ...

I could go on and on. Can you see by now that we are being filled to the full even as we give out to the states and the nation? God is stuffing us with love and peace and joy!

May you go to your next place of peace!


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