It was a Revolutionary moment !!! The ways and timing of the Lord amaze me. This was one of those times as I read through my facebook memory which 'just happened' to show up on my phone on Monday! Of all days, the day we left for Plymouth, April 18th, the Lord connected the past with the present in a way of astonishment.

The facebook memory was from 2013! And I wrote...
"On the night 238 years ago Paul Revere trumpeted the alert beginning the American Revolution. A new revolution is upon us... Awake, Arise, Advance... For the Lord is coming!"
The ride of Revolution took place now 247 years ago. The following day, April 19th, 1775, the "shot heard round the world" echoed from Lexington and Concord. The American Revolutionary War began which led to the creation of the United States of America.
We didn't know until that moment that our launch day was on that historic date!
What? Really !!! We suddenly felt connected as Revolutionaries on this journey.
We also didn't know that the facebook memory contained a word regarding the very 3 states destined for our week. I had written a portion of a prophetic word that Chuck Pierce gave in 2011.
"I will explode my presence in Boston, and I will move from there to overtake New Hampshire and Maine... And then I say, out of that explosion as you come from Maine you will see every state -- EVERY ORIGINAL STATE -- break its rebellion fold against me. For the states have rebelled against me, but now they will realign, saith the Lord."
Planned in the exact order of our week that we had determined months before, Boston, New Hampshire, and Maine! Only God could do that. Launching us on the day the American Revolution started and in the exact order of the Chuck Pierce prophecy! Wow!
The word of the prophecy was read in Boston, in Concord and in Augusta.
Jon Hamill, from Lamplighter Ministries, spoke a word over me in 2013. "And I call you forth as a spiritual Paul Revere to go, say to the city, where ever you go you will declare, “THE LORD IS COMING. BEHOLD THE BRIDEGROOM IS COMING. RISE UP TO MEET HIM.” The voice, the sound, the residence that breaks open a territory of slumber and brings a move of Holy Spirit awakening. I just declare wherever you go, revival will go, go with you. Deliverance, breakthroughs, changed lives, healings, signs, wonders visitations great experiences of the Spirit, moves of the Spirit.
And thus it was declared.
From Paul Revere's historic ride, to the shot sounded signaling the fight beginning our nation, to recognizing the many riders past and current, we now begin our journey around this great country!
As we left Boston on Tuesday afternoon, Ken drove to a most appropriate site. To Lexington Green we went. We walked around the ground and prayed for this generation and this Revolutionary Moment.